Ministry Appraisal

An Appraisal of Ministry is facilitated by the Ministry to Priests Office and is available to all priests working within the Archdiocese of Melbourne. The appraisal process is an opportunity for the priest to collaborate with both his parish and the priest leading his appraisal.

Since 1995 a regularly updated national system of appraisal of ministry, had been implemented with oversight of the ACBC, however, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, further highlighted the need for a more rigorous appraisal system for ministering clergy

In December 2017 the Royal Commission recommendation: point (c) of recommendation 16.25, directed to the ACBC and the CRA that each diocese and religious institute should implement mandatory national standards to ensure that all people in religious or pastoral ministry (bishops, provincials, clergy, religious, and lay personnel under-go regular performance appraisals. This recommendation was subsequently accepted by the ACBC and CRA.

An Appraisal of Ministry is initiated by a priest through the Office of Ministry to Priests when he is:

  • At the end of a term of appointment

  • When discerning the renewal of an appointment

  • When planning a sabbatical

  • When discerning retirement and/or another form of ministry

The priest’s willingness to participate and be open to conducting his own self-appraisal of his ministry, is essential to the integrity of the entire process.

If you are thinking of or have questions about Appraisal of Ministry, please call or email the Ministry to Priests Office to arrange a confidential discussion with the Director, Ministry to Priests.

Clergy Life and Ministry

Cardinal Knox Centre

383 Albert Street, East Melbourne VIC 3002

PO Box 146, East Melbourne VIC 8002

T:   + 61 3 9287 5541 | M: 0407 864 328

