What is the Priest Remuneration Fund?

The priests’ remuneration fund (P.R.F) is a fund established by the Archbishop of Melbourne and run by the priests of the Archdiocese. The fund exists to ensure that all priest are equitably and justly remunerated for their parish ministry. It is a way in which priests can support one another in their ministry. The priests of Melbourne are grateful to the people of our parishes who support us and allow the fund to exist in the first place.


A. In these guidelines, ‘the Fund’ or ‘P.R.F.’ means the Priests Remuneration Fund of the Archdiocese of Melbourne
B. These guidelines relate to the objects, management and organisation of the PRF
C. These guidelines recognise that a Parish is and independent juridical person under the Canon Law of the Church, but that its activities, including the receipt and disbursement of money, are conducted within the framework and organisation structure of the Archdiocese and, beyond that, of the Church as a whole.
D. Certain conventions have been long observed within the Archdiocese in relation to money of a Parish and specifically, to the payment and disbursement of money into and from designated accounts which a parish must maintain, such as the Presbyter Account and the Church Account
E. These conventions, as in force at the date of proclamation by the Archbishop of the Charter of the PRF, as amended from time to time are confirmed and recorded in this document.
F. From 1 July, 2002, Religious Practitioners became subject to Pay As You Go withholding under Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953. As a result, the Charter and Guidelines were amended as from the 2002 AGM to ensure that payments from the PRF are to be made to the Presbytery Account in each Parish and not directly to a parish priest or assistant priests.

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