“As a receiving church, the Australian Church is committed to acculturation as a process whereby members of one cultural group come to understand the customs, habits and behaviours of their new cultural home. This process demands mutual exchange, appreciation and understanding by all — both the newly arrived and those welcoming them.”

In recent years the Archdiocese of Melbourne has welcomed several priests from overseas dioceses and seminaries. Programs of acculturation into the Australian community and Australian Catholic Church have been developed and implemented to assist these priests with their induction.

During the first months in Melbourne, the Ministry to Priests Office provides a supportive environment where team members accompany the international priests whilst they orientate themselves and settle into a new way of life.

To ensure successful integration and the best possible outcome for the incoming priest and the Archdiocese a willingness for both parties to work together, exchange information will help to establish trust, empathy and mutual respect.

All international priests living and working within the Archdiocese are required to do an IELTS test (International English Language Testing System).

Once the initial ‘orientation’ program has been completed, the broader program includes ongoing mentoring, assistance with English, immersion into parish life, clergy gatherings and other social occasions.

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